Have you been thinking about improving ANY aspect of marketing your small business? Do you have a circle of friends, colleagues or acquaintances who also have questions about improving their marketing efforts? Do you find training sessions intimidating to attend alone?
Start 2014 off with a PRIVATE & CUSTOM Rogue Pea Marketing training session with a group of YOUR friends, acquaintances and colleagues!
Three reasons to book now:
-I customize the training session for the needs of your group = relevant info only!
-training times to suit your schedule: mornings, afternoon, evenings, even weekends
-I come to your end of town - no travelling!
BONUS for hosting: By sending out invites to friends, acquaintances and colleagues you know will benefit from a private training session, you earn FREE registration to the session (a $75 value).
BONUS for attendees: Access to The Rogue Pea Marketing PRIVATE FB group where you have ongoing access to me (and the community) for fast answers to your questions, a place to bounce ideas, and discuss new marketing techniques.
Maximum group size: 12-15
Want to know more? Send me a quick message on Facebook, or email info@theroguepeamarketing.com
Looking forward to meeting you in 2014!
PS - Here is a FREE download/peak at one training session that I have developed for a client just to get an idea of my training method. Enjoy!